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Sagicor Triple Protector Plus

Sagicor Triple Protector Plus

Sagicor Triple Protector Plus

Sagicor Jamaica


The Triple Protector Plus is a non medical plan that provides a lump sum payment of up to $8M in the event of a first diagnosis of any one of the following:

Heart Attack
Loss of S


Cement Wall

About this product

The Triple Protector Plus is a non-medical plan that provides a lump-sum payment of up to $8M in the event of the first diagnosis of any one of the following:

  • Cancer

  • Heart Attack

  • Stroke

  • Blindness

  • Coma

  • Deafness

  • Loss of Speech

  • Paralysis

  • Major Burns

The Plan is available from ages 18 to 60. There is an initial waiting period of 180 days during which no claim will be paid upon diagnosis. In this event, all basic premiums are refundable. Claims should be made within 6 months of diagnosis. Premiums are payable to age 75 or for 20 years if later. If there is no claim during this period, a full refund of basic premiums is carried out.



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