Sagicor Personal Accident Protectors
About this product
The Sagicor Personal Protectors are a suite of 4 Plans which offer a varying amount of up to 7 personal Accident benefits from 8 available. These include:
Accidental loss of life
Accidental loss of eyes and limbs
Accidental permanent total disability
AccidentMedical Reimbursement
Accident and sickness weekly indemnity income
Accident and sickness in hospital income
Accident and sickness income in-hospital surgical expenses
Ambulance Reimbursement
The 4 Plans available are:
The Total Protector, issued from ages 18 to 50 and covers 7 of the 8 areas.
The Accident Protector, issued from ages 18 to 50 and covers 4 of the 8 areas.
The Family Protector, issued from ages 20 to 50 and covers the insured plus spouse and each dependent child for 6 of the 8 areas.
The Single Parent Protector, issued from ages 20 to 50 and covers insured parents and each dependent child for 6 of the 8 areas. All 4 plans are renewable up to age 55 and each dependent child must be age 1 - 18 unless a full-time student in which case coverage goes to age 21. The Plans are sold in whole units with each unit valued at $100,000. The maximum number of units available per adult life is 30 and varies with the insured's occupation.