Guardian Life Care Plus

Guardian Life Care Plus
Guardian Life
The Guardian Life Care Plus is a non-medical plan which pays a lump sum benefit on the first diagnosis of Cancer, Stroke, Major Burns, Heart Attack, Blindness, Coma, Paralysis, Multiple Sclerosis, Deafness or Loss of Speech. The minimum coverage is $1,000,000 and the maximum coverage is $15,000,000. Th...

About this product
The Guardian Life Care Plus is a non-medical plan which pays a lump sum benefit on the first diagnosis of Cancer, Stroke, Major Burns, Heart Attack, Blindness, Coma, Paralysis, Multiple Sclerosis, Deafness or Loss of Speech. The minimum coverage is $1,000,000 and the maximum coverage is $15,000,000. The policy may be issued to males and females between the ages of 18 to 60 years.
Elimination period
This is a period of 180 days after:
• Commencement of the policy as shown in the policy schedule, or
• In the case where the policy has been reinstated, the date of revival
If the first diagnosis is made or death occurs during the elimination period, only premiums paid will be refunded.
Grace Period
The grace period is 30 days after a renewal premium is due. Your policy will lapse if your premium is not paid within the grace period.
Cash Value
The policy has no cash value or bonus.
Ambulance Benefit
Guardian Life will pay the current maximum payable per life, (the current maximum being J$5,000) if as a result of the first diagnosis of the Life Insured with any of the 10 named illnesses the Life Insured was transported in an ambulance to a hospital.
Death Benefit
If death occurs as a result of any critical illness covered under this plan while the policy is in force and no claim relating to the cause of death had previously been made, then the sum assured less any indebtedness will be paid. Otherwise, the amount payable on the death of the life insured, while the policy is in force, is a sum equal to the total of all premiums paid as at the date of death, less any indebtedness.
Premium Refund Benefit
At the expiry date, if there was no claim paid, all premiums paid will be refunded and the policy will terminate.
The expiry date is the policy anniversary upon which the Life Insured attains age 75 or the 20th policy anniversary, whichever is later.
The plan will terminate upon the payment of a claim, or upon expiry date, whichever occurs first.
The policy may be revived once within 120 days from the due date of the first unpaid premium. Upon approval for revival, the date on which the policy is revived will be deemed as the date of revival. A new elimination period would then be calculated from the date of revival.
Ambulance Benefits
Death Benefits
Premium Refund Benefits