Guardian Instant Coverage

Guardian Instant Coverage
Guardian Life
The Guardian Instant Coverage plan is a non-medical whole life policy which takes care of last expenses. Its purpose is to provide a fund for final expenses. The policy may be issued to males and females between the ages of 18 and 76 years. It provides a minimum coverage of $100,000 and a maximum co...

About this product
The Guardian Instant Coverage plan is a non-medical whole life policy that takes care of last expenses. Its purpose is to provide a fund for final expenses. The policy may be issued to males and females between the ages of 18 and 76 years. It provides a minimum coverage of $100,000 and maximum coverage of $1,000,000 for ages 18 - 64 years and $500,000 for ages 65 - 76.
Death Benefit
Instant coverage is provided on the payment of the first premium. The amount payable is the full sum assured on accidental death from day 1. If the Insured dies from other causes (that is, other than an accident) before the policy is 2 years old based on the original issue date or new commencement date if the policy has been redated, the benefits offered are as follows:
Age of Policy Death Benefit
• First 12 months - Refund of all Premium
• 13 - 18 months - 50% of Sum Assured
• 19 - 24 months - 75% of Sum Assured
• Over 24 months - 100% of Sum Assured
Surrender Benefits
The amount payable is the cash value less any premium in arrears at the end of the 20th policy year, or any year thereafter, but before the life insured's 100th birthday. The cash surrender value will be one-half the basic sum assured.
Death Benefits & Age of Policy
Death Benefits
Surrender Benefits