Executive Health

Executive Health
Sagicor Jamaica
Executive Health
The Executive Health plan is a comprehensive non-group health plan that offers a wide range of benefits for you and your family. Overseas emergency and nonemergency benefits are also provided for medical care while in other Sagicor territories.
Things You Should Know

About this product
The Executive Health plan is a comprehensive non-group health plan that offers a wide range of benefits for you and your family. Overseas emergency and nonemergency benefits are also provided for medical care while in other Sagicor territories.
Things You Should Know
Your spouse (married or unmarried)
Your children, stepchildren and legally adopted children up to their 19th birthday
Conversion Privilege
If you are on a Sagicor group plan and experience changes in your employment, you can continue your coverage by transferring to this individual plan within thirty (30) days of the employment change. If you transfer within this period you will not be required to do a medical and there is no waiting period for pre-existing conditions if the benefits on your group plan were equivalent or superior to those of Executive Health.
Coordination of Benefits
If you or your dependents are covered under another health plan, for example, National Health Fund (NHF) or JADEP, your benefits may be coordinated so that you pay less outof-pocket for medical expenses.
Utilization Management
Keys to keeping your premium down:
• Your card must ONLY be used by you. Do not lend your card to anyone.
• Do not use your card for anything other than medical expenses.
• Protect your plan. Report abuse or loss of your card promptly to any Sagicor office.
• Never sign a claim form unless it is completely filled out by the provider.
• Do not use your card just to exhaust an existing balance before the anniversary of the plan.
Special Conditions:
• The maternity benefit is optional for women 51 years and over
• Nine (9) months waiting period for maternity - All maternity-related expenses, including doctor's visits, are paid from the maternity benefit.
• Twelve (12) months waiting period for all pre-existing conditions.
• Six (6) months waiting period for major medical
benefits (surgery, major diagnostics (MRI, CAT scan) & hospitalization), except for medical emergencies.
• Individual
• Individual+ l (Spouse or Child)
• Family
Link to Brochure (the table ends on the first section of the 2nd page)
• Coverage for children to age 26
• Coverage for Spouses and Newborns
• Conversion Privilege
• Co-ordination of Benefits
• Multiple Options for Coverage
• Doctor's Visit Benefits
• Other Benefits
• Maternity Benefits
• Hospital Benefits
• Surgical Benefits
• Overseas Emergency Benefits
• Overseas Non-Emergency Benefits
• Major Medical Benefits