Dental and Vision
Dental and Vision
The Dental Plan provides benefits for dental service charges and supplies incurred for the treatment of dental disease or injury. These benefits apply separately to each covered person. Dental benefit levels are the same worldwide. For medical condit... (Click for full details)

About this product
The Dental Plan provides benefits for dental service charges and supplies incurred for the treatment of dental disease or injury. These benefits apply separately to each covered person. Dental benefit levels are the same worldwide. For medical conditions or injury to the mouth, jaws and teeth requiring dental surgery, medical plan benefits apply.
The Deductible is $100 per person and the maximum for each insured family is 2 deductibles. The Calendar Year Maximum is $1,500 per person.
• Includes Diagnostic & Preventative Expenses (80% of oral exams, cleanings every 6 months, x-rays, fluorides 1/12 months)
• Includes Basic and Restorative Expenses (80% of fillings, Simple Extractions [and orthodontia to age 25], Initial provision and installation of space maintainers)
• Includes Major Restorative Expenses (50% of fixed bridgework, implants, dentures, root canals, inlays, crowns, and orthodontia for teeth lost while covered or for replacement of existing non-serviceable dental work 5+ years old.)
• Prescription Benefit: Up to $100/Calendar Year
The Vision Plan provides a benefit equal to 80% or up to $400 per calendar year of the covered expenses per person. Vision benefit levels are the same worldwide. Services must be furnished or prescribed by a legally qualified ophthalmologist or optometrist. Payments based upon Reasonable and Customary parameters. No deductible is required. The Calendar Year Maximum is $400 per person.
• Includes Eye Exams, Frames and Single Vision Lenses, Bifocal Vision Lenses, Trifocal Vision Lenses, Lenticular Vision Lenses and Contact Lenses.
Dental: • Includes Diagnostic & Preventative Expenses • Includes Basic and Restorative Expenses • Includes Major Restorative Expenses • Prescription Benefit of Up to $100/Calendar Year Vision: • Eye Exams • Frames and Single Vision Lenses • Bifocal Vision Lenses • Trifocal Vision Lenses • Lenticular Vision Lenses • Contact Lenses.