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General FAQs
1. What is an insurance broker/ How is an insurance broker different from an insurance provider?
An insurance broker offers a wide range of products and services through local and international insurers. As brokers, we act as intermediaries and our responsibility is to the clients we represent, to ensure that we secure the best terms for our clients and to ensure that in the event of a claim that there is a satisfactory settlement in keeping with the policy provisions. We have highly trained insurance professionals who will guide our clients in making the right decisions/choices, securing the best pricing, identifying the best solutions, uncovering critical needs, ensuring that clients are adequately covered in areas such as family protection, health, critical illness, disability, estate planning, retirement planning, employee benefits, living and death benefits
2. What is the contact information for each of your branches in Kingston, Montego Bay and Mandeville?
Kingston (876) 968-1100 Montego Bay (876) 579-9355; (876) 579-9246; (876) 326-5832 Mandeville (876) 239-3000 Website: www.laweinsurance.com Email: info@laweinsurance.com
3. Which insurance companies do you work with in Jamaica?
Sagicor Jamaica and Guardian Life
4. Where can I get a full breakdown of your products and services?
Contact one of our insurance professionals and they will identify the best product and price to suit your needs. At Lawe Insurance Brokers, our agents are experienced in different types of insurance and risk management. We have access to a wide selection of policies, both locally and internationally and we will guide you in making the right decisions to cover all your insurance needs. Our insurance professionals will take the time to explain the benefits, terms and conditions of the various plans we market. We will secure the most competitive rates to suit your needs.
5. Where are the branch locations for the Lawe Insurance Brokers?
We currently have 5 offices across Kingston, Mandeville and Montego Bay and we are currently looking at establishing offices in other key locations across Jamaica. We have three (3) offices in Kingston, located at Winchester Business Centre, Suites 57, 58 & 67, 15 Hope Road, Kingston 10. (Head Office is Suite 57; Suites 58 & 67 are sales offices) We also have one (1) sales office in Montego Bay, located at Suite 30 G West Centre, Lot 6 Crane Boulevard, Montego Bay, St James. We have one (1) sales office located in Mandeville, Suite 9a Midway Mall, 17 Caledonia Rd, Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica. We are open from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Mondays – Fridays.
6. Why do I need to meet with an insurance agent?
Our agents are licensed professionals who are registered with the Financial Services Commissions. Our agents are knowledgeable about the various products offered in the market, both locally and internationally and are trained in risk assessment. It is important to speak with an agent as they can obtain quotes on your behalf from several sources. At Lawe Insurance Brokers, our agents have access to several insurers, both locally and internationally, and they will be able to compare prices, the scope of coverage and benefits. Our insurance professionals will help you to identify the coverage that best suits your needs. Our focus is to build a relationship with our clients and offer personalized service. We are committed to being there for you.
7. What are the opening hours for the branches of Lawe Insurance Brokers Ltd?
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Mondays – Fridays

Getting Started
1. What is the process for transferring my insurance policy?
To transfer ownership, you will be required to complete a form and submit it to the insurance company to have the necessary changes approved and updated by way of an endorsement. Contact your agent to discuss the changes you would like to make.
2. Can I change my policy after I have signed up?
Yes, you can make changes to your policy, however, this varies depending on insurer and plan type. We encourage our clients to review their insurance portfolios periodically to ensure that they are adequately covered. There are factors such as family and financial circumstances that could have some bearing on the kind or level of coverage needed. It is also important to note that not all insurers may allow you to make changes to your existing benefits depending on the type of plan you may currently have. In addition, premiums may be adjusted and individuals may be required to undergo new underwriting / medical guidelines to effect changes. Before you consider making changes, please ensure that you review thoroughly with your agent all the options available and likely implications.
3. How do I check/request the status of my policies?
Some insurance companies offer online portals for clients to access policy information. For those companies that do not offer this option, we can arrange to secure policy status letters within 24 hours of the request.
4. Do I need to take a medical exam?
Not all policies require that you do a medical examination. Some applications only require that you complete a medical questionnaire. You may be issued coverage immediately for applications that do not require a medical examination. For some insurers, an endorsement may be issued, due to a declared pre-existing condition or the client may be denied coverage. Medical exams are designed to determine how healthy you are. Healthy applicants are privy to better premiums, while those with serious health conditions or poor family health histories may pose an increased risk to the insurer and the applicant may pay more for life insurance or be denied coverage. Note: Your medical history and current health status are the biggest determining factors in what health classification you receive, which in turn determines how much you pay for your insurance coverage
5. How long does the application process usually take?
The process can take a few days or weeks, depending on whether you submitted all requirements along with the application and how soon your medicals are received.
6. What do I need or what are the requirements to apply for an insurance policy?
Medical requirements & application forms for insurance policies vary depending on the insurance company through which the coverage is being placed, type of plan, the purpose of coverage, coverage amount, age, lifestyle habits etc. Our licensed insurance professionals will guide clients through the application process to ensure that all requirements are completed in keeping with the coverage being applied for. Standard documents required are application form for insurance coverage, valid photo ID, TRN, approved method of payment (salary deduction, bank authorization form, direct debit, online payment, credit card authorization etc), Know Your Customer questionnaire, Proof of residential address, Covid-19 Questionnaire, quotation or proposal illustration, birth certificate and initial payment.
7. What methods of payments do Lawe Insurance Brokers accept? (Direct Transfer, Cheque, Physical Payment)?
Various insurance companies accept various methods of payment. Credit Card Visa Debit Wire Transfers Premium financing Cheques Online payments Salary deductions Pre-authorized payment methods via banks Payments via remittance agencies such as Paymaster
8. Are there any countries that your insurance policies are not valid?
Coverage or benefits may differ depending on insurer and plan type. It is important to read your contract and understand the terms and conditions.
9. Can I make multiple policy payments in advance?
For some insurance companies, you have the option to pay premiums in advance. These premiums are usually held in suspense on your policy and premiums are paid from these amounts, when they become contractually due.
10. How many policies can I have at the same time?
You can have multiple policies to cover various insurance needs, however, some insurance companies may place a cap on the total coverage you may have for a particular benefit. We encourage you to review your life insurance portfolio periodically and if your needs have changed, speak with one of our insurance professionals and they will shop around and identify the best solutions for you.
11. In which countries are your insurance policies valid?
At Lawe Insurance Brokers, we market international health insurance coverage through Lloyd’s of London, which is approved by the Financial Services Commission. These policies offer worldwide coverage. The health insurance policies we market through our local insurers in Jamaica may have restrictions or limitations in coverage if medical treatment is being sought outside your country of residence. It is important that you speak with our claims specialists or your insurance agent and get pre-approved if you are required to undergo an elective medical procedure.
12. What do you use to determine if I am eligible for one of your insurance policies?
Eligibility requirements differ based on insurer and plan type selected. Some factors that will determine eligibility for some policies are income, age, medical history, lifestyle. Speak with one of our knowledgeable insurance professionals who will ensure that you select the right coverage to meet your needs.
13. If I live outside of Jamaica, will I be able to sign up for a policy with Lawe Insurance Brokers?
Only permanent residents of Jamaica are applicable to sign up for policies marketed through Lawe Insurance Brokers
14. What happens if I am late on my payments for my policy?
All insurance contracts are different, so it is important to familiarize yourself with your policy's terms and conditions when it comes to late premium payments. If you fall behind on your premiums some insurance companies will allow a grace period.
15. Can I transfer my insurance policy to someone else?
It is common for most policies to be issued where the individual is both the owner of the policy and the insured. If you are both the owner and insured of a policy, you can request transfer of ownership to an individual or a legal entity, as long as the owner has an insurable interest in the insured. An insurable interest exists when one person has a financial interest in another person’s life. Spouses are assumed to have an insurable interest in each other. The same holds for parents and children. Certain business relationships may also create an insurable interest, such as when a business insures its key employees or when a bank guarantees repayment of a loan with a life insurance policy on the borrower. To transfer ownership, you will be required to complete a form and submit it to the insurance company to have the necessary changes approved and updated. Contact your agent to discuss the changes you would like to make.
16. What determines the amount of insurance coverage I am eligible for?
The amount of life insurance coverage will be dependent on several factors, including age, earning ability, assets and liabilities, financial resources, net worth.
17. How does the insurance application process work?
The Process involves completion of an application, which will require that you answer medical questions. Some applications will require that individuals do medical exams. Some of the factors which may determine the need for medical exams are the amount of coverage, age, gender, lifestyle habits, medical health or family medical history etc. Our life insurance agents will assist in scheduling the various medical examinations required. These medicals are usually done by licensed health care professionals or facilities selected by our insurance companies. • Once the application is completed and submitted to the insurance company, it may go through a process of underwriting, where the application and medicals are reviewed. • Once the application and medical exams are reviewed, the company will either approve or deny your request to purchase coverage. • The process can take a few days or weeks, depending on whether you submitted all requirements along with the application and how soon the medicals are received. • Once the application is approved a contract will be issued and delivered to the insured for safekeeping. Important details of the contract are reviewed/explained to the insured.
18. Do you offer payroll deduction services?
Yes, we represent local insurance companies who offer payroll deductions as a method of premium payment.
19. How can I get in contact with one of your insurance agents?
We have several insurance professionals who are ready to be of service to you. Should you have questions or require assistance, call us at (876) 968-1100 or email us at info@laweinsurance.com We also invite you to come into any of our offices in Kingston,Montego Bay or Mandeville. We have a team of knowledgeable, caring professionals who are ready to serve you.
20. Do you offer health cards? How long does it take to receive one after I have signed up for one of your policies?
Health insurance policies provide a health card or certificate of coverage. The process usually takes approximately 1 – 2 weeks.
21. How do you determine the monthly/annual payments for your life insurance policies?
Insurance companies utilize the services of Actuaries to determine the premiums. Premiums are determined based on some common factors such as age, medical history, life history, gender, coverage, whether you are a smoker or non-smoker etc. The greater the risk associated, the more expensive the insurance policy or premiums. Premiums can be paid using different modes of payment, such as monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. Insurance companies use what is called a modal factor to convert annual premiums to smaller, more frequent payment modes such as monthly, quarterly or semi-annually.
22. What is the minimum/maximum age for applying for an insurance policy?
Ages vary depending on plan type and insurer, however at Lawe Insurance Brokers we market products suitable for all ages, including newborns and individuals up to age 85.

1. What do I need to make a claim for an international medical plan?
If you need assistance in making a claim, please contact your insurance agent or speak with one of our claims specialists, who will guide you through the process. · Ensure that you complete the required claim form in its entirety and ensure that form is signed and dated. · Submit the required medical records, about the medical expense being claimed for. · All bills and receipts must be submitted in relation to the medical expense.
2. How long after the insurance policy is approved would I be able to file for a claim for an international medical plan?
It is important for clients to read their policy contracts and familiarize themselves with the terms and conditions outlined regarding the processing of claims. There is a general waiting period of 90 days, except for accidents and contagious communicable diseases, occurring or manifesting itself after the policy has been issued. The 90 days waiting period may be waived, if the insured provides proof of prior insurance that existed for a period of twelve (12) months and was active at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the policy being applied for. Maternity benefits will only apply when the birth of a child is at least ten (10) months after the effective date of the policy. The Underwriters reserves the right to insure persons considered to be in good health and good moral risk. Non-disclosed pre-existing conditions prevent the Underwriters from making the proper evaluation of the risk. Consequently, non-disclosed medical conditions could result in the denial of a medical claim and/or the cancellation of a Certificate or reformation of the contract.
3. How can I make a claim when I am abroad?
If you need to make a claim contact us as soon as possible and we will provide you with the required claim form and checklist to ensure a smooth process. Our claims and insurance professionals at Lawe Insurance Brokers will walk you through the crucial steps to ensure that all your needs are taken care of. Some insurers will accept claims electronically, to speed things up. Ensure that you complete the claim form properly and submit all required documents, such as bills, receipts, statements, medical records etc. The insurance companies we represent also have toll free numbers and are ready to be of service to you. In relation to our international policies, clients can make contact through toll free numbers or the emergency numbers provided in your insurance contract. These numbers are monitored 24 hours by medical doctors on staff. At Lawe Insurance Brokers, we are committed to ensuring that all claims are handled fairly and professionally.
4. How can I make a claim (in general)?
If you need assistance in making a claim, please contact your insurance agent or speak with one of our claims specialists, who will guide you through the process. Ensure that you complete the required claim form in its entirety and ensure that the form is signed and dated Submit all bills, receipts and medical records, if required, when claiming in relation to a medical expense. For death claims, ensure that proof of death, claimant statement, policy contract and other required documents are submitted. Ensure that you submit your claim within the required time. Insurers will have different checklists/requirements based on the type of claim being submitted. It is therefore important that all documents are submitted in keeping with the checklist to prevent any delays in processing a claim
5. What are some important things to note about claims?
IMPORTANT THINGS TO NOTE: - The policy deductible & plan benefits are applied to all admissible claims - Ensure that you submit your claim within sixty (60) days from the service date.
6. How long after the insurance policy is approved would I be able to file for a claim?
It is important for clients to read their policy contracts and familiarize themselves with the terms and conditions outlined regarding the processing of claims. There is a general waiting period of 90 days, except for accidents and contagious communicable diseases, occurring or manifesting itself after the policy has been issued. The 90 days waiting period may be waived, if the insured provides proof of prior insurance that existed for a period of twelve (12) months and was active at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the policy being applied for. Maternity benefits will only apply when the birth of a child is at least ten (10) months after the effective date of the policy. The Underwriters reserves the right to insure persons considered to be in good health and good moral risk. Non-disclosed pre-existing conditions prevent the Underwriters from making the proper evaluation of the risk. Consequently, non-disclosed medical conditions could result in the denial of a medical claim and/or the cancellation of a Certificate or reformation of the contract.
7. Are there fees associated with making a claim on my insurance policy?
There are no associated fees when making claims.
8. How long after the insurance policy is approved would I be able to file for a claim for an international medical plan?
It is important for clients to read their policy contracts and familiarize themselves with the terms and conditions outlined regarding the processing of claims. There is a general waiting period of 90 days, except for accidents and contagious communicable diseases, occurring or manifesting itself after the policy has been issued. The 90 days waiting period may be waived, if the insured provides proof of prior insurance that existed for a period of twelve (12) months and was active at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the policy being applied for. Maternity benefits will only apply when the birth of a child is at least ten (10) months after the effective date of the policy. The Underwriters reserves the right to insure persons considered to be in good health and good moral risk. Non-disclosed pre-existing conditions prevent the Underwriters from making the proper evaluation of the risk. Consequently, non-disclosed medical conditions could result in the denial of a medical claim and/or the cancellation of a Certificate or reformation of the contract.

International Medical Plans
1. What are the monthly/annual payments on each of these plans?
Premiums are determined based on the plan type selected, the annual deductible, the age of main insured and dependents and mode selected. Family discounts are given on all our international medical plans and children up to age 11 are free on our Caribbean American, Trust and Emerald plans. University full-time students, up to age 24 are also given substantial discounts, once they are insured as a dependent on parents’ policy.
2. How many people can be covered under your medical plans?
There is no limit to the number of immediate family members (spouse and children) that can be insured on our international medical policy. Our Silver plan however is geared towards persons who are between 50 – 85 years old.
3. What are the hospital benefits of your medical plans?
Extra Bonus Hospital Benefits If you are admitted to one of our Extra Bonus hospitals for 48 hours or more, the following benefits are available: • Reduction of the deductible up to $5,000 • Coinsurance is waived • Airfare reimbursement up to a maximum of $800 • Hotel accommodation reimbursement up to a maximum of $150 per day for a period of 4 days • Rental car reimbursement up to $50 per day for a maximum of 5 days Super Special Hospital Benefits • Reduction of deductible up to $1,000 • Coinsurance is waived • Airfare reimbursement up to a maximum of $500 if treatment is received in the USA.
4. What medical/health insurance plans do you offer?
Emerald Plan, The Worldwide Medical Trust Plan, The Caribbean American Plan, The New World Plan, The Silver Medical Plan
5. What are the benefits of each plan?
Emerald Plan $5,000,000 USD annual maximum per assured, no lifetime limit, no termination age, purchase up to age 74, no increase in premium due to change in age. Children, under age 11, are free in Jamaica only. The Worldwide Medical Trust Plan $2,000,000 USD annual maximum per assured, no lifetime limit, no termination age, purchase up to age 74, no increase in premium due to change in age. Children, under age 11, are free in Jamaica only. The Caribbean American Plan $2,000,000 USD annual maximum per assured, per certificate year. $10,000,000 USD lifetime limit, no termination age, purchase up to age 74, no increase in premium due to change in age. Children, under age 11, are free in Jamaica only. The New World Plan requires no medical underwriting, provides instant policy issues, has an annual maximum benefit of $1,000,000, and guaranteed acceptance for eligible applicants. No termination age and purchase to age 69. The Silver Medical Plan The Silver Medical Plan is a health insurance plan which provides coverage for persons who have reached the age of maturity (50 to 85) and who deserve most to be duly protected and safe. The Silver Medical Plan has an annual maximum benefit of $100,000. Purchase an excess coverage rider to increase the annual maximum to $250,000 per assured. No termination age.
6. What are the requirements necessary to apply for these plans?
For our international health insurance plan, clients are required to complete an application form. In addition to the application form the following documents are also required: a valid photo ID, TRN, approved method of payment (credit card authorization, US draft or wire transfer), Know Your Customer questionnaire, provide proof of residential address, Covid-19 Questionnaire, quotation or proposal illustration and initial payment.
7. Can I change the amount of the coverage once the policy has been issued?
Changes can be made to a Lloyd’s medical policy, however, these changes can only be facilitated at the renewal anniversary date of the policy. Some changes are subject to approval by our Underwriters.
8. How long is the process of getting approval for these medical plans?
Applications are approved within 1 – 2 weeks.

Plan Termination
1. How can I cancel a policy that I have signed up for?
You have the option to cancel your coverage at any time. Policies carry a clause referred to as the “free look period”. This period may vary based on insurer or plan type and is usually a specified period, shortly after the policy has been issued, where the client has the right to cancel and receive a full refund of premiums paid. After the free look period has passed, the policy can be cancelled without a refund of premiums. It is important that clients read their policy provisions carefully, especially as it relates to the terms and conditions re termination of coverage. Before you cancel your coverage, there are important factors to consider such as increased rates due to a change in age or the possibility that you may develop medical conditions, which could possibly prevent you from securing coverage in the future or could push your premium to a much higher rate. To effect cancellation, most insurance companies request that you complete a cancellation form.
2. Can medical plans be terminated by Lawe Insurance Brokers?
Lawe Insurance Brokers acts as an intermediary for various local and international insurance companies. As brokers, we do not have the right to cancel an insurance policy. An insurance company however reserves the right to cancel a policy if it is discovered that an insured was not honest in answering medical questions, misrepresented the facts stated on an application or failed to make premium payments within a specified time. Policy contracts contain the provisions of the policy, including reasons for cancellation. The insurance company, will give written notification of its intent to cancel and the reason for cancellation.

1. Can I apply for an insurance policy during COVID-19?
Yes, you most definitely can, and we suggest that you should. Here are the requirements: E.g. Required documents, medical exam Medical requirements & application forms for insurance policies vary depending on the insurance company through which the coverage is being placed, type of plan, the purpose of coverage, coverage amount, age, lifestyle habits etc. Our licensed insurance professionals will guide clients through the application process to ensure that all requirements are completed in keeping with the coverage being applied for. Standard documents required are application form for insurance coverage, valid photo ID, TRN, approved method of payment (salary deduction, bank authorization form, direct debit, online payment, credit card authorization etc), Know Your Customer questionnaire, Proof of residential address, Covid-19 Questionnaire, quotation or proposal illustration, birth certificate and initial payment.